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Personal Projects

Django Projects Using Python and Heroku.

Built 3 Django Interactive Projects Such as URL Shortner, English Dictionary and To-Do List Using Python and Deployed on Heroku.

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REST APIs Using Spring Boot and Postman.

Created REST APIs using Spring Boot and tested them using Postman. Created request mapping for HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Also, Connected Postgres DB running in Docker Container using Spring JDBC.

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Data Science Interactive Apps Using Python and Streamlit Library.

Built 7 Interactive Data Science Apps such as Stock Price, Simple DNA, EDA Basketball, EDA SP500 Stock, IRIS Classification, Penguins Classification and Boston Housing Regression using Python.


Interactive Games Using Python.

Built Different interactive games using Python such as Madlib, Guess The Number, Rock Papers Scissors, Hangman, Tic-Tac-Toe, Minesweeper and Sudoku.


Twilio SMS App

​Accessed Twilio REST APIs from Twilio Website via Command Line, Postman and Helper libraries using python in order to Send and Received Text Messages from Twilio Number.


Predicting Football Results Using Supervised Learning Techniques.

Applied Supervised Machine learning models in order to predict the outcome of matches in English Premier league season 19/20.

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